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A member registered Jun 23, 2021

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have you installed chapters 1-4 first?

Hey, thanks for the response :) if you don't mind how many episodes do you have in mind for this game/project? And if it's going to be finished are you planning to upload this to steam? As I'm definitely going to buy it.

I will definitely be supporting you on your Patreon so even if you finish this project I will be looking forward to your new game. I don't know why you don't have much attention yet, or supporters, but just keep doing your best and your game is one of the best AVN out there.

Hey I just want to let you know that I really love your game

I just have a question how can I complete the task for Chris in terms of match-making as it always shows opportunitiy missed either Linda or Holly.

Am I missing something? I'm trying to hook him to Holly but I don't see anything really even tried when doing both Lexi and Holly scene but then after that, I see the task failed which I think I made the wrong decision.